10 Ways to Develop Resilience

10 Ways to Develop Resilience

What exactly is developing resilience about?

Our ability to recover and adapt to life’s obstacles and setbacks is known as resilience. Resilience allows us to accept failure and disappointment, recognize the reality of the situation, and move forward while learning from our mistakes.

Learning resilience helps in many aspects of life, such as recognizing life’s challenges, developing commitment to sticking to a plan, and exercising personal control that empowers you. 

Top 10 Strategies for Building Resilience to Help You Achieve Your Goals. There is no one-size-fits-all model for developing this important skill, so choose a strategy that fits your personal goals and circumstances.

1. Change how you deal with getting knocked down.

Nothing can prevent a crisis or an unexpected event from changing your life. But if you change your attitude towards these setbacks, you will be in control of how you handle them. Setbacks often provide opportunities for deep learning and growth, so don’t just think of them as negative.

2. Meditate.

Meditation develops mindfulness and concentration, and increases resilience in the face of adversity. Meditation teaches us to silence the inner voices of regret and fear, giving us clarity to focus on what lies ahead. Mindfulness also teaches us how to deal with negative emotions that can significantly interfere with our recovery efforts.

Build Networks to develop your Resilience

3. Network with others.

You are more likely to find solutions to life’s problems if you have a reliable social system that includes family, friends, and colleagues. Knowing that you have people in your life to help and support you makes it easier to get through tough times. Social and spiritual groups can also help you stay hopeful.

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4. Create a new story.

When something terrible happens, our first instinct is often to relive it over and over again, to try to understand the bad parts, to understand what happened. By moving the narrative into growth and learning, we learn how to better handle future failures. Instead of asking, “What went wrong?” focus on “What did you learn from it?”

5. Practice accepting.

Change is an inevitable part of life. Learning how to stop resisting change will make you more resilient to its impact on your life. Acceptance means understanding when goals become unattainable and recognizing when situations are beyond your control. Acceptance allows you to move away and focus your energy on situations where you can make a difference.

6. Boost your confidence and self-esteem.

Believing in your ability to solve problems gives you confidence in the face of setbacks. Encourage a positive attitude towards yourself and try to trust your instincts. Celebrate your achievements, examine your strengths that can help you overcome adversity, and build resilience by focusing on your strengths.

7. Set goals and actively work towards them.

Achieving goals creates a strong belief in yourself, sets realistic goals, and develops actionable plans for achieving them. By doing this regularly, you’ll be able to address larger issues as they arise. Focus on what is achievable, and your resilience will grow quickly.

8. Don’t ignore the problem.

When you choose to take decisive action instead of ignoring issues, you develop more resilience tools. Taking action in the face of adversity can be difficult, but you practice resilience by making the conscious decision to face the difficulty head-on rather than hoping it will go away. And addressing a concern early can often prevent it from developing into a bigger problem.

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9. Be optimistic.

Maintaining a positive attitude is key to building resilience. Optimism allows you to spot potential positive outcomes and make perspectives. You can also remember the good things that happened, so setbacks don’t dominate your thinking. Staying in a positive frame of mind is an important aspect of resilience. So when negative thoughts come to mind, suppress them.

10. Help others.

Helping others when they need help gives us the confidence and optimism we need to build resilience. When you can successfully help others achieve their goals, you gain confidence in your abilities and knowledge that you can rely on the next time trouble strikes.

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